Monday, February 4, 2013

Falls at home

News you can use

On Saturday, January 26, I was painting the ceiling in my husband's study (aka the cozy bear's den). I was standing on a 2-step steps tool, admiring my work. I stepped back. I missed the step. I landed (all of my weight) on my posterior on a flagstone floor. My 6 year-old daughter was with me and said, "Mom, please stop screaming. Use your yoga breath."

I managed to make it through the rest of the day. The next morning, I woke up and my hand puffed up like a ballon. I went to the clinic, and the health care professional took x-rays. They determined that I sprained my wrist and ankle, and bruised my tailbone. Needless to say ... this has not been ideal!

I fell from a step stool just like this one.

Where does this fit on the issue teams?

Safety, of course! According to the University of North Carolina (UNC) Injury Prevention Research Center 2010 Annual report, most injuries occur in a home setting. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that each yea, 2 million adults aged 65+ are treated in emergency rooms for falls ( 

Risk reduction is key. A relatively quick home safety check can help eliminate hazards. In my case, I should have been more careful. In the meantime ...  We are working on a falls risk reduction pilot project ... stay tuned for more info!