Friday, February 28, 2014

What's that smell? Natural gas!


My neighbor is an older adult and needs assistance. There is a decorative gas lamp in her front yard. A long time ago, I smelled gas coming from the lamp. I called Oklahoma Natural Gas, and a representative was sent to fix the problem at the lamp.

Fast forward a few months … I smelled gas again. I called Oklahoma Natural Gas and the representative came and turned the gas line off at the house.

Fast forward again to yesterday. I smelled gas again! I called Oklahoma Natural Gas and alerted the caregivers. The problem was fixed.

You are probably wondering … why does the problem keep happening? I am going to talk to my neighbor's son, get to the bottom of the matter, and develop a permeant solution.

At any rate, the moral of the story is as follows. ALWAYS report a gas leak. Why? Reduce risk of fire and/or explosion.

Healthy Homes Principle that applies to this situation: Keep it safe

Friday, February 21, 2014

News from the Peek storm shelter

Evidence of me practicing the shelter experience! I'll practice every weekend until needed… Click the graphic below to see brief movie. It's my first video. Watch for better quality in the future!

Have a great weekend!


Friday, February 14, 2014

Something new at the Peek house!

Something new at the Peek house!

My family has talked about getting a storm shelter for almost 2 years. We have talked extensively about our house and our needs. Keep in mind that this might not be the best solution for everyone.

Happy Valentine's Day: In-ground shelter installed in the garage!

My husband, girls, and I acted out our first tornado drill last night. I climbed in the shelter with everyone and lasted all of 20 seconds. I could not sit there; the tight feeling was overwhelming. See how happy my girls are in the picture? They are thrilled.

Here is what I am going to do to cope with it: PRACTICE. I am going to get into the shelter each weekend, building up to a point where  I can tolerate the sensation.

I'll keep you posted … 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Get ready for the D2L challenge!

As you know, we've posted the Core Competencies on D2L. Now is your chance to show off your D2L prowess!

You can copy and paste this list to a word document and put your answers on it. Please send to me via e-mail (

Go to D2L and do the following tasks to be eligible to win an educational tool.
  1. Go to the “profile” and fill out the fields. Be sure to include a picture of yourself!
  2. List 5 members of one of your issue teams.
  3. Find the Core Competencies. Find the modules that I have created. List 3 of the module titles.
  4. Find the Educators Resources. Find one item in the dropbox folder. Write the name of the item here:_______________.
  5. Pick one of your issue teams. Locate one item of your choice and download it. Write item name here:                ______.
  6. Select one of your “courses.” Look at the news tool. Search for a news item. Copy and paste that news item here. If there isn't a news item, then respond N/A.
  7. Select the “course” OCES-Extension-FCS-Educator-Resources - OCES-Extension-FCS-Educator-Resources. Find resources that I have posted. Tell me the name one of posted item.
  8. Open a word document and write a quick idea of what you want Gina Peek to work on (safety team or housing related). Upload the document to the Educator Resource dropbox. You’ll get feed back.
  9. Choose one of your “courses” and look at the classlist. Is there someone on the team that you don’t know? Put their name here:                                     .
  10.  Send me a note from D2L. Put in the subject heading, "This is a note sent from D2L."

DUE: Friday, February 14, at 12:00 pm

The winner will be announced at 10:00 am on February 17.