Friday, March 14, 2014

100 years of Extension!

Now that we're celebrating 100 years of Extension, let's turn our attention to... outhouses! In 1914, every home did not feature an indoor toilet.

The book titled, "Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, 1918" was published by the US Department of Agriculture. This book states that in 1928, a total of 15,087 sanitary closets or outhouses were installed in homes due to Extension. Just think of the impact that this had in the lives of these families.

Does anyone have an outhouse picture? Please send it and I will feature it on the blog.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Build a kit on a budget


Happy March! In like a lion... out like a tornado? Let's get ready for storm season. 

I have worked with many of you on the "Build a Kit on a Budget." Here is a video that explains exactly what to do.

Ultimately, I am looking for 80 percent of OHCE membership across Oklahoma to create disaster kits. That's 3,200 disaster kits. PLEASE help us get to this level of participation!

I am counting the number of kits made by the number of completed certificates that I receive.

Thank you!