Friday, May 23, 2014

3 resources for you!

Here are just three educational resources that I have for you. I'd like to circulate these around the state. If you send me a request, I'll send you the materials!
  1. Green cleaning: Complete curriculum with a bucket of supplies
  2. Lighting: Complete curriculum with a bag of light bulbs
  3. Energy management: Kill-A-Watt electricity usage monitor
I also have lots of copies of "Help yourself to a healthy home."

Please let me know if you'd like any of these resources.

Have a great weekend... 


Friday, May 16, 2014

Paper done!


I have successfully cleaned the paper from my office. How long did it take? Not long at all! 

I scanned a few important documents. I recycled tons. I asked, "How did this get here in the first place?" For example, a retired faculty member gave me a floppy disk last modified in 1994.

I can breathe in my office and it feels great! What are your strategies for keeping clutter down?

NEXT challenge: Program materials!
Let's hunker down and look at the program materials that we keep in our offices. I'll keep you posted about what I find. Stay tuned until next week. You'll receive an inventory of fun things that you can use in your programming.

Until next week...


Friday, May 9, 2014


Impression formation & management: Clutter
Spring cleaning challenge: Week 1
May 12-16, 2014


Let's start with cleaning our files. Are your files bulging with stuff you no longer need? Consider not making or keeping paper copies if you can store it electronically or retrieve the information from the web. Some files must remain in hard copy.

When creating electronic files, consider using a standard naming convention so you can easily find your documents. For example, I name my electronic documents using the following: <type date title>. Here are three examples:

  • Manuscript 05.09.14 GP DS
  • Grant 05.09.14 GP USDA
  • PPT 05.09.14 GP Healthy Housing 
I file my electronic documents in electronic folders using the same naming convention. That way, all of the important documents that are associated with the document "Grant 05.09.14 GP USDA" are in the same place. I don't waste any time/energy looking for things.

This works for me. Something else might work for you!

I am going to spend 30 minutes cleaning my paper files. I'll check back with you next Wednesday to see your progress!


Friday, May 2, 2014

Spring cleaning challenge: Week One


If you could see my office right now! It looks like I have taken up residence. I am getting ready for an in-service, so stuff is stacked EVERYWHERE. After the in-service, I am going to SPRING clean my office. I challenge you to do the same.

Week 1: May 12-16, 2014

Let's start with paper. We can look at the paper in our offices and recycle what we can. I am going to start with my files. This does not have to take a lot of time. In fact, I am going to set a timer. Looking forward to cleaning with you!



PS Speaking of paper... I am looking forward to receiving the "build a kit on a budget" pledges.