Friday, August 29, 2014

10 second cleaning challenge


Here is a 10 second cleaning challenge. Take a spray bottle. Fill it about a third of the way full with white vinegar. Fill the rest of the bottle with water. Presto! You've got a great "green cleaner."

You'll notice that some premium brands of store-bought green cleaners have fancy labels. If you're feeling artsy, make a cute label for your new green cleaning bottle.

Happy cleaning!


PS I adapted this from a blog that I follow: To see their version, please visit:

Friday, August 15, 2014

Current obsession


My current obsession? Achieving a higher level of austerity at home. What does this mean, you ask?

I have spent the summer reviewing the stuff in my home (closets, drawers, shelves, rooms, you name it)! I enlisted the help of my incredibly talented 12-year old daughter Jenkins to help purge, organize, and style our home. Truth be told ... my daughter did 90 percent of the work. We all have the same philosophy when it comes to stuff and design: Less is more.

The result? A very simple home and clarity enjoyed by the whole family. We are in GREAT shape to start school next week.

Our new family philosophy: If it's not incredible, then it it doesn't belong in our home.

Relaxation zone styled by Jenkins

What is the hotspot at your home? Please let me know your strategies for keeping organized!