Friday, July 27, 2012

Hello Educators!
It is the busy summer season! I know that everyone is having a great time with events like 4-H round up, fairs, OHCE meetings, etc. I wanted to tell you about a recent event and an Environment Issue Team OUTCOME! Please note that we don't have FCS educators on the team right now. Even so, this is an excellent project and can SPARK ideas in other counties.

EVENT: 4-H STEM Institute (June 27-28, 2012)
This is the event that Jeff Sallee coordinates. In 2011 and 2012, I helped to coordinate and teach the iGreen track. Basically, the iGreen track is all about water, energy, and waste.
This year, we had a GREAT group from Haskell County. It was two 4-Hers and an adult volunteer, none other than Rachel Lockwood's husband. Ron was a great adult volunteer!

Jeff Sallee kicked it off by inviting the kids to the free (no county travel dollars used) STEM institute and has secured the funding for the project.

Picture 1. Ron Lockwood learning about Low Impact Development in the hot sun!

Picture 2. Learning about water resources at the OSU Botanic Garden.

Haskell County is interested in iGreen's water tract. the 4-Hers are pursuing a Low-Impact Development (LID) project. A site on the courthouse grounds has been identified, and the group is continuing to gather support on the county level. They were able to receive funding from Dr. Sallee to implement their project, and are working on their budget. This team is has gotten help from Stillwater, including Ag faculty Jason Vogel and Scott Frazier, Kim Toscano from the Bot. Garden, and me. This project really does go across content areas, and is a great example of how Ag and FCS can effectively partner!

Picture 3. Project sketch

The team is adding recycling bins like the one pictured here:

I am very excited about this project because we can get to some Environment Issue Team outcomes.  The medium term action: Increase the number of Oklahomans who maintain, conserve and protect natural resources (air, land, water). The ultimate outcome: Oklahomans will prevent/decrease the degradation of their environments.

We will be holding an Environment Issue Team in-service at the Haskell County site (after fair season is over). If you are interested in attending, please let me know! Questions? Comments? Please let me know!


**Update: Carol Vandiver has been awesome working with Haskell Co. to get supplies ordered and even had everything delivered to the office. It is all coming together!

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