You all know that I am interested in emergencies and safety. I recently had to call 911. Here's why.
It was a recent Saturday. I was at work putting some materials together, when my 10-year old daughter Jenkins called my cell phone. She said, "Mom, please come home quick. Dad is bleeding all over the place." I got my stuff and drove home (2.3 miles).
Sure enough, I went to our guest room. We had a construction project tearing out an awful built-in. My husband (Jason) was laying on the ground holding his head, and there was indeed blood all over the place! His skin was paper white, too. He was dizzy and couldn't get up, so ... I called 911. My neighbor came and got the girls and I followed the ambulance to the hospital. It turned out that he had a laceration and concussion (no damage to the bone, thankfully).
Jason at the hospital (yes, he gave me permission to take his photo).
Safety, of course! I did not lecture Jason. He later said, "If I were at work, this never would have happened. I would have been wearing my hardhat and safety glasses." My thoughts exactly. Did this event change his behavior in a measurable way? YES! It has been a little over two weeks, and he is just now starting to feel like his himself. Never again will he work without the right PPE.
What is the disconnect between work and home? Why do we take chances at home and follow safety rules at work?
Have a great weekend.
A lesson for us all!! Glad he is feeling better!